What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?


Divorce and remarriage are topics that have been discussed and debated within the Christian community for centuries. These subjects are not only significant because of their impact on individual lives and families but also because they touch upon deep theological principles about the nature of covenant, forgiveness, and human relationships. As we delve into what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage, it is essential to approach the topic with both a compassionate heart and a desire to understand the Scriptures deeply.

Biblical Perspectives on Divorce

The primary biblical texts that discuss divorce are found in the books of Deuteronomy, Malachi, Matthew, Mark, and 1 Corinthians. Each of these texts provides us with insights into God’s perspective on the matter.

In the Old Testament, Deuteronomy 24:1-4 is often cited in discussions about divorce. It mentions a provision for divorce if a man finds something indecent about his wife. This passage, however, is not God’s endorsement of divorce but rather a concession to human hardness of heart, as later clarified by Jesus in the Gospels. It was meant to provide some legal protection for the woman, who could otherwise be left destitute.

The prophet Malachi provides a more direct statement from God regarding divorce: "For I hate divorce, says the LORD, the God of Israel, and covering one's garment with violence as well, says the LORD of hosts. So take heed to yourselves and do not be faithless" (Malachi 2:16). This passage highlights that God’s ideal is faithfulness and permanence in marriage, reflecting His loyal and enduring love for His people.

Jesus’ Teachings on Divorce

Jesus’ teachings on divorce are found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In Matthew 19:3-9, Jesus is tested by the Pharisees on the issue of divorce. He responds by pointing them back to the original design for marriage as described in Genesis: "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."

Jesus acknowledges that Moses permitted divorce because of the hardness of human hearts, but He emphasizes that it was not the way from the beginning. Jesus then mentions an exception to the prohibition of divorce: sexual immorality (Matthew 19:9). This exception clause has been the subject of much debate among Christians as to its implications for divorce and remarriage.

Paul’s Counsel in 1 Corinthians

Apostle Paul addresses the issue of divorce and remarriage in 1 Corinthians 7. He advises spouses against divorce but recognizes that there are circumstances in which it may occur. Paul counsels that if a believer is married to an unbeliever who consents to live with them, they should not divorce. However, if the unbelieving partner separates, the believer is not bound in such circumstances (1 Corinthians 7:12-15). This teaching introduces the concept of "desertion" as a possible ground for divorce.

The Question of Remarriage

The question of remarriage after divorce is another complex issue. The Bible provides some guidance but also leaves room for pastoral discretion and wisdom. In the same chapter of Matthew where Jesus discusses divorce, He implies that remarriage after divorce, except in the case of sexual immorality, leads to adultery (Matthew 19:9). However, interpretations of this passage vary among Christian denominations and theologians.

Paul seems to allow for remarriage in 1 Corinthians 7:27-28, where he says, "Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife. But if you marry, you do not sin..." suggesting that remarriage is not sinful per se. This passage, however, must be read in the context of the whole counsel of Scripture.

Ethical and Pastoral Considerations

When discussing divorce and remarriage, it is crucial to balance the ideal of marital permanence with the reality of human failure and sin. Pastoral care involves walking with individuals through their pain, offering biblical counsel, and helping them to seek reconciliation where possible or to find healing after the tragedy of divorce.

Churches and pastors must also consider the welfare of all involved, especially children, and the testimony of the church in the way it handles these sensitive issues. The church should be a place of refuge and grace, embodying Christ’s love and forgiveness while also upholding His truth and righteousness.


In conclusion, the Bible teaches that marriage is a sacred covenant meant to last a lifetime. Divorce is a concession to human sin and should only be considered in certain circumstances. Remarriage, while more complex, is not prohibited in all cases but should be approached with caution and a clear understanding of biblical teachings. As Christians, we are called to pursue purity, forgiveness, and reconciliation, reflecting the character of Christ in all our relationships.

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