Family and Community

The "Family and Community" section delves into the roles and responsibilities within Christian family life and community interactions. It includes topics like Marriage, Parenting, Community Service, Elderly Care, Youth Mentorship, Church Involvement, Adoption and Foster Care, and Domestic Violence Prevention. This section provides insights into nurturing loving, supportive relationships based on Christian values, fostering strong community ties and effective church engagement.


Examining the Christian conception of marriage as a sacred covenant between partners and God, focusing on commitment, mutual respect, and spiritual unity.

Church Involvement

Exploring the significance of active participation in church life, its impact on individual and communal spiritual growth, and the benefits of engaging in church activities and governance.


Providing guidance on raising children within a Christian framework, emphasizing values such as love, discipline, and spiritual development.

Parenting Guidance

Parenting guidance from a Christian perspective involves advising parents on how to raise their children according to biblical values. This includes nurturing, disciplining, and teaching children about faith, morality, and the importance of community and family bonds.


Predestination is the doctrine that all events have been willed by God, especially with regard to the eternal destiny of some individuals in matters of salvation and damnation.

Women in Biblical Narrative

Focuses on the roles and portrayals of women throughout the Bible, from Eve in Genesis to the female disciples in the Gospels. This topic examines how women's stories contribute to biblical theology and ethics, and discusses the implications of these narratives for contemporary issues related to gender in religion.

Marriage and Family Therapy

Marriage and Family Therapy in a Christian context often integrates faith-based principles with psychotherapy to address family dynamics, marital issues, and other relational conflicts. Therapists may use biblical teachings to foster understanding, forgiveness, and healing among family members.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness and reconciliation are central to Christian teachings, reflecting Jesus’ calls to forgive others as a pathway to personal peace and restored relationships. These practices involve letting go of resentment, understanding the offender, and often, working towards rebuilding trust.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution in Christian settings involves addressing disagreements with compassion and fairness, guided by biblical principles such as forgiveness and reconciliation.

Nature of God

The nature of God in Christian theology encompasses the attributes and qualities that define God as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, along with being eternal and unchanging.

The Poor and Marginalized in Scripture

Focuses on how the Bible addresses the conditions and treatment of the poor and marginalized groups within society. It includes an examination of laws designed to protect these groups and the biblical mandates for charity and justice, exploring how these principles can be applied to modern social welfare practices.


Christian leadership focuses on leading by example, mirroring Jesus’ servant leadership style. It emphasizes humility, service, and guiding others towards ethical and spiritual growth.

Domestic Violence Prevention

Addressing the issue of domestic violence with a focus on prevention, support, and recovery from a Christian perspective, ensuring safe environments for all family members.

Youth Mentorship

Focusing on the role of mentorship in nurturing the faith and personal development of young people within the church, including the benefits of guidance, support, and shared experiences.

Can a 14-year-old serve God?

Absolutely, a 14-year-old can serve God! The Bible is replete with examples of young people who played significant roles in God's plan, demonstrating that age is not a barrier to serving the Lord. In fact, youth often bring a unique energy, passion, and perspective that can be incredibly impactful i

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Adoption and Foster Care

Examining the Christian call to support adoption and foster care initiatives, reflecting on how these acts of kindness align with biblical teachings on family and community.

Marriage Ceremony

The marriage ceremony is a Christian rite that sanctifies the union of a husband and wife in the eyes of God and the community. It is considered a covenant that mirrors the relationship between Christ and the Church, involving vows of fidelity and mutual support.

Elderly Care

Discussing the responsibilities of caring for the elderly, stressing the values of dignity, respect, and love, and exploring how these practices are grounded in Christian teachings.

Living with Faith

Living with faith entails maintaining a trust in God and His promises, despite life’s challenges and uncertainties. It involves applying faith in everyday situations, allowing it to guide decisions and interactions, and trusting in God’s providence and timing.


Luke's Gospel is distinguished by its detailed narrative style and its emphasis on Jesus' compassion towards Gentiles, the poor, and the marginalized. It includes unique parables like the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. Luke is also notable for its concern with historical context and its sequel in the Acts of the Apostles, providing a comprehensive account of the life of Jesus and the early Christian community.

How does Jesus redefine family in the Bible?

In the Gospels, Jesus presents a transformative vision of what it means to be part of a family, challenging conventional notions and offering a broader, more inclusive understanding. This redefinition is especially evident in the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus' teachings and actions consistently emphas

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Biblical Themes in Modern Media

Examines the presence and portrayal of biblical themes in contemporary media, including film, television, and digital platforms. This topic discusses how modern media reinterprets biblical stories and themes, reflecting and shaping public perceptions of these ancient texts.

Community Service

Highlighting the importance of service within and outside the church community, reflecting Jesus' teachings on love and charity, and exploring how these activities strengthen communal bonds and personal faith.

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