Personal Ethics

The "Personal Ethics" section delves into individual moral conduct as guided by Christian principles. Topics include Lying, Stealing, Forgiveness, Revenge, Gossip, and Coveting. This section offers guidance on maintaining personal integrity and moral rectitude in everyday situations, helping users to reflect on and improve their ethical decisions based on biblical teachings. It encourages fostering virtues that enhance personal and communal life within the faith.


The cross is the most recognized symbol of Christianity, representing the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is a central icon in Christian theology, symbolizing sacrifice, salvation, atonement, and redemption.

Sin and Redemption

Examines the themes of sin and redemption as central elements of Christian theology. This topic covers the fall of humanity, the nature of sin, and the means of redemption through Christ's sacrificial death and resurrection. It explores how these concepts are interwoven throughout the biblical narrative and their implications for Christian life and soteriology.

Is it a sin to not want children?

The question of whether it is a sin to not want children is one that touches on deeply personal and theological aspects of the Christian faith. As a non-denominational Christian pastor, I believe it is essential to approach this subject with sensitivity, compassion, and a careful examination of bib…

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Is speeding a sin according to the Bible?

Navigating the complexities of modern life often requires us to look beyond the explicit text of the Bible and seek the underlying principles that guide our behavior. The question of whether speeding is a sin according to the Bible is a nuanced one. While the Bible doesn't specifically address the …

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Is it a sin not to read the Bible?

The question of whether it is a sin not to read the Bible is a profound one, touching upon the essence of Christian life, the nature of sin, and the means of redemption. To address this question, we need to delve into the purpose of the Bible, the Christian call to engage with Scripture, and the br…

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Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is described in the Gospels as the unforgivable sin, which involves attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to demonic powers.

Textual Criticism of the Bible

Textual Criticism involves examining the various manuscripts of the Bible to resolve differences and determine the most authentic text. This field addresses scribal errors, intentional alterations, and variations in texts across different manuscript traditions to reconstruct what the original document might have looked like.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness and reconciliation are central to Christian teachings, reflecting Jesus’ calls to forgive others as a pathway to personal peace and restored relationships. These practices involve letting go of resentment, understanding the offender, and often, working towards rebuilding trust.


Lying involves intentionally making false statements. Christian ethics strongly discourage lying, promoting honesty and truthfulness as virtues that foster trust and community cohesion.


Stealing, taking someone else’s property without permission, is condemned in Christian teachings, which advocate for respecting others' rights and living in integrity.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth in a Christian context involves increasing in knowledge and depth of faith, developing a closer relationship with God, and maturing in one’s ability to live according to biblical teachings. It often involves regular Bible study, prayer, and participation in community life.


Forgiveness is a central theme in Christianity, reflecting Jesus' teachings to forgive others as a way of releasing bitterness and fostering reconciliation.


Revenge is the act of retaliating against someone for wrongdoing. Christian ethics advocate for leaving vengeance to God and pursuing peace and forgiveness instead.

What are biblical alternatives to revenge?

In addressing the question of biblical alternatives to revenge, it is essential to ground our discussion in the teachings and spirit of the Scriptures, which offer profound insights into handling offenses in a manner that promotes healing, reconciliation, and personal growth. Revenge is a natural h…

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Why does Christianity discourage revenge?

In Christianity, the concept of revenge is viewed through a lens that is distinctly different from the world's often vindictive and retaliatory standards. The teachings of Jesus Christ and the broader scriptural narratives provide a compelling framework that discourages revenge, promoting instead a…

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Gossip involves spreading unverified or private information about others, which can harm reputations and relationships. Christianity promotes speaking truthfully and constructively about others to uphold love and respect within the community.

How does gossip affect community cohesion and trust?

Gossip, a seemingly small and often overlooked aspect of daily interactions, holds a significant and potentially destructive power within communities. As we delve into the topic from a non-denominational Christian perspective, it's important to understand not only the biblical stance on gossip but …

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Coveting refers to the intense desire for someone else’s possessions or relationships, which can lead to discontentment and destructive actions. Christian ethics emphasize contentment and gratitude for what one has.

What does 'covet' mean in the Bible?

Coveting, as described in the Bible, is a complex and deeply significant concept that touches upon human desires, ethics, and spirituality. To understand what it means to covet in a biblical sense, we need to delve into the scriptural context, examine the original language, and explore the broader …

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Why do some people react negatively to others' joy?

When we delve into the human heart and its reactions to the happiness of others, we often uncover a complex web of emotions and motivations. From a Christian perspective, the root of this negative reaction can frequently be traced to the sin of covetousness. Coveting, or the intense desire for what…

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What practices help cultivate contentment?

Cultivating contentment is an essential aspect of Christian living, deeply rooted in biblical teachings and spiritual discipline. In a world that often promotes a relentless pursuit of more—more wealth, more status, more possessions—the biblical call to contentment stands out as a counter-cultural …

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Judgment Day

Judgment Day, or the Day of Judgment, is when God will judge the actions of all humans, living and dead, and decide their ultimate fate based on their faith and deeds. This event is central to Christian eschatology and often includes concepts of heaven, hell, and purgatory.

Women in Biblical Narrative

Focuses on the roles and portrayals of women throughout the Bible, from Eve in Genesis to the female disciples in the Gospels. This topic examines how women's stories contribute to biblical theology and ethics, and discusses the implications of these narratives for contemporary issues related to gender in religion.

The Problem of Evil

The Problem of Evil is a central issue in apologetics, questioning how a good and omnipotent God can allow evil and suffering. Apologists address this through various theological and philosophical responses, including the free will defense and the soul-making theodicy.

Bible Study

Bible study involves systematic reading, analysis, and application of the Scriptures. It helps believers understand the Bible's message, grow spiritually, and apply biblical principles in life.

Are there any humorous verses in the Bible?

The Bible is often approached with reverence, and rightly so, as it is the inspired Word of God. However, it is also a rich tapestry of human experience, divine wisdom, and, yes, even humor. While humor might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the Bible, there are indeed …

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Nature of God

The nature of God in Christian theology encompasses the attributes and qualities that define God as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, along with being eternal and unchanging.


Worship in Christianity involves acts of reverence and adoration towards God, often through music, prayer, and scripture reading. It is a communal experience that unifies believers.

Is it a sin to wear jewelry according to the Bible?

The question of whether it is a sin to wear jewelry according to the Bible is one that has intrigued many believers over the centuries. To answer this thoughtfully, we must delve into the Scriptures, explore the context in which jewelry is mentioned, and consider the principles that guide Christian…

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Biomedical Ethics

Biomedical ethics deals with the ethical questions that arise in the relationships between biology, medicine, politics, law, and philosophy. It includes topics such as euthanasia, abortion, genetic engineering, and medical patient rights. Christian perspectives on these issues often revolve around the sanctity of life, dignity, and the moral implications of new technologies and treatments.

Sexual Ethics

Sexual Ethics within Christianity covers the moral principles that guide human sexuality and behaviors. Topics include marriage, chastity, and issues related to sexual identity and behavior, grounded in biblical perspectives.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution in Christian settings involves addressing disagreements with compassion and fairness, guided by biblical principles such as forgiveness and reconciliation.

Devotional Reading

Devotional reading involves reflecting on religious texts that inspire and enhance one’s understanding of scripture. This practice can include reading the Bible, spiritual books, and other inspirational works that focus on faith and Christian living.

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