What is the meaning of Ephesians 3:16?


Ephesians 3:16 is a verse that is part of a larger prayer by the Apostle Paul for the believers in Ephesus. In this prayer, Paul is expressing his deep desire for the spiritual growth and empowerment of the Ephesian Christians. The verse reads as follows:

"That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man" (Ephesians 3:16, KJV).

To understand the meaning of this verse, it is essential to consider the context of the entire passage, the themes Paul addresses in the letter to the Ephesians, and how this specific request fits into the broader message of the epistle.

Context of the Passage

Ephesians 3:14-21 is a prayer that Paul offers on behalf of the Ephesian believers. He begins in verse 14 by saying, "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Paul is moved to prayer by the profound truths he has been expounding in the earlier chapters—truths about the mystery of Christ, the unity of the Church, and the inclusion of Gentiles in God's redemptive plan.

Paul's prayer is structured around several key requests, each building upon the previous one. In verse 16, he asks that God would strengthen the believers with power through His Spirit in their inner being. This request is foundational to the subsequent petitions that follow, such as Christ dwelling in their hearts through faith (v. 17), being rooted and grounded in love (v. 17), and comprehending the vastness of Christ's love (v. 18-19).

The Riches of His Glory

Paul begins his request by appealing to "the riches of his glory." This phrase emphasizes the abundant and inexhaustible resources available in God. The "riches of his glory" refers to the splendor, majesty, and infinite wealth of God's character and being. It is a reminder that God's ability to answer prayer is not limited by human constraints but is rooted in His boundless and glorious nature.

By invoking the "riches of his glory," Paul is underscoring the magnitude of God's power and generosity. He is confident that God can and will provide the strength needed for the believers because God's resources are limitless.

Strengthened with Might

The core of Paul's request is that the believers would be "strengthened with might." The Greek word for "strengthened" (krataioō) conveys the idea of being made strong, robust, and vigorous. The word for "might" (dynamis) implies power, force, and capability. Together, these terms suggest a profound empowerment that enables the believers to live out their faith with resilience and vigor.

This strength is not merely physical or outward but is deeply spiritual and inward. Paul is asking for an inner fortitude that comes from the Holy Spirit. This is crucial because the Christian life involves challenges, temptations, and spiritual battles that require divine strength to overcome.

By His Spirit in the Inner Man

The source of this strength is "by his Spirit." The Holy Spirit is the agent of empowerment in the believer's life. The Spirit's role is to indwell, guide, and empower Christians, enabling them to live in accordance with God's will. Paul frequently emphasizes the importance of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life throughout his epistles (e.g., Romans 8:9-11, Galatians 5:16-25).

The phrase "in the inner man" indicates the locus of this strengthening. The "inner man" refers to the spiritual aspect of a person, the core of their being where their thoughts, emotions, and will reside. Paul contrasts the "inner man" with the "outer man" in 2 Corinthians 4:16, where he writes, "Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day."

By focusing on the inner man, Paul highlights the importance of inner transformation and spiritual vitality. The Christian life is not merely about external behavior but about a deep, inward renewal that affects every aspect of one's being. This inner strength is what enables believers to withstand trials, grow in faith, and live out their calling.

The Broader Message of Ephesians

Ephesians as a whole emphasizes the unity and spiritual blessings of the Church in Christ. Paul begins the letter by extolling the spiritual blessings believers have in Christ (Ephesians 1:3-14), including election, adoption, redemption, and the sealing of the Holy Spirit. He then prays for the believers to have a deeper understanding of these blessings (Ephesians 1:15-23).

In Ephesians 2, Paul expounds on the reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles through Christ, creating one new humanity. He emphasizes the grace of God in salvation and the creation of the Church as a dwelling place for God by the Spirit (Ephesians 2:1-22).

In Ephesians 3, Paul reveals the mystery of Christ—that Gentiles are fellow heirs and partakers of the promise in Christ through the gospel (Ephesians 3:1-13). This revelation leads Paul to pray for the spiritual empowerment of the believers in Ephesians 3:14-21.

Practical Implications

Understanding the meaning of Ephesians 3:16 has several practical implications for believers today:

  1. Dependence on God's Resources: Believers are reminded that their strength comes from God and His abundant resources. They are encouraged to rely on God's power rather than their own abilities.

  2. The Role of the Holy Spirit: The verse underscores the importance of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. Christians are called to cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit, seeking His guidance and empowerment.

  3. Inner Transformation: The focus on the "inner man" highlights the need for inner transformation. Believers are encouraged to prioritize their spiritual growth and renewal, allowing the Holy Spirit to work deeply within them.

  4. Perseverance in Trials: The strength Paul prays for is essential for enduring trials and challenges. Believers can take comfort in knowing that God provides the strength needed to persevere and remain faithful.

  5. Unity and Love: The broader context of Ephesians emphasizes unity and love within the Church. The inner strength Paul prays for enables believers to live out these values, fostering a community that reflects God's love and grace.


Ephesians 3:16 is a profound and powerful verse that encapsulates Paul's desire for the spiritual empowerment of the Ephesian believers. It highlights the limitless resources of God's glory, the essential role of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of inner transformation. As believers today, we can draw encouragement and strength from this verse, knowing that God provides the power needed to live out our faith and fulfill our calling in Christ.

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