Why is the Ascension an important celebration in Christianity?


The Ascension of Jesus Christ is a profound event in Christianity, celebrated as a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus and a foundational aspect of Christian theology. This event, described in the New Testament, occurs 40 days after Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and marks His bodily ascent into Heaven in the presence of His disciples. The celebration of the Ascension, therefore, is not merely a commemorative event but a celebration packed with deep theological significance and hope for believers.

Understanding the Ascension

To fully grasp the importance of the Ascension, we must first understand what exactly took place. According to the New Testament, particularly in Acts 1:9-11, after Jesus’ resurrection and several appearances to His disciples, He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight. This moment is depicted not as a symbolic event but as a literal, physical ascension.

Luke, the author of Acts, details this event with a clear emphasis on its physical reality—Jesus went up. The narrative is straightforward yet filled with theological implications. Here, Jesus does not merely vanish into spiritual realms but ascends bodily, affirming the Christian belief in the resurrection of the body.

Theological Significance of the Ascension

1. Exaltation and Glorification of Christ

The Ascension marks the glorification of Christ in His heavenly kingdom. It signifies the completion of His earthly mission and His exaltation as King. This is beautifully expressed in Ephesians 1:20-23, where Paul describes how God placed Christ at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority. The right hand of God symbolizes the ultimate position of power and authority. In ascending to Heaven, Jesus fulfills His role as the eternal King, ruling over all domains.

2. Confirmation of Jesus' Divine Nature

The Ascension is also a powerful testimony to the divinity of Jesus. By ascending to Heaven and being seated at the right hand of the Father, Jesus’ divine nature is affirmed. This event serves as a clear indicator that Jesus is not merely a historical figure but the Son of God, possessing authority over heaven and earth.

3. The Advocate: Sending of the Holy Spirit

Before His Ascension, Jesus promised the disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit to guide, empower, and comfort them (John 16:7). The Ascension, therefore, sets the stage for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It signifies a transition from Jesus' physical presence with His disciples to His spiritual presence through the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers for ministry and seals them for salvation.

4. Intercession for Believers

Romans 8:34 and Hebrews 7:25 tell us that Jesus, who ascended into Heaven, now intercedes for us. This ongoing intercession is crucial for believers as it assures us of Jesus' continual care and advocacy on our behalf before the Father. His prayers for us are perfect and align with the will of God, providing us with comfort and security.

5. Hope of Our Future Ascension

Lastly, the Ascension of Jesus is not just about His return to Heaven but also points to the future hope for all believers. As Jesus ascended, He promised that He would prepare a place for us and that He would come again to take us to Himself (John 14:3). The Ascension, therefore, provides a model and a promise of our own resurrection and ascension, affirming our eternal destiny with Christ.

Celebrating the Ascension

The celebration of the Ascension, therefore, encompasses much more than commemorating an event. It is a celebration of Christ’s victory over death, His exaltation, and His ongoing ministry as our advocate. It also reaffirms our hope in the promise of our future resurrection and eternal life.

In liturgical traditions, Ascension Day occurs on the 40th day of Easter, typically falling on a Thursday. The day is marked with joyous worship, reflective of the triumphant nature of the occasion. Churches may focus on the Kingship of Jesus, His victory over death, and His role as our intercessor. The liturgy often includes readings from Acts 1 and Luke 24, hymns that speak of Christ’s reign and majesty, and prayers that recommit the congregation to serve the risen and ascended King.

In conclusion, the Ascension of Jesus Christ stands as a cornerstone of Christian faith. It encapsulates the triumph of Christ over the limitations of earthly existence and His inauguration as the eternal, sovereign Lord. For believers, it is not only a source of deep theological reflection but also of immense joy and hope, promising not only Christ's ultimate victory but also our participation in His resurrected life. This profound event reminds us that our faith is not in vain but is anchored in the reality of Jesus’ Kingship and His promise of eternal life for all who believe in Him.

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