Sexual Ethics

Sexual Ethics within Christianity covers the moral principles that guide human sexuality and behaviors. Topics include marriage, chastity, and issues related to sexual identity and behavior, grounded in biblical perspectives.

What is a concubine in the Bible?

The concept of a concubine in the Bible is one that often brings with it a mix of curiosity and confusion, especially when viewed through the lens of modern Christian ethics and morality. To understand what a concubine is in the biblical context, it is essential to delve into the cultural, historic…

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What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

The topic of homosexuality is one that has garnered significant attention and debate within both religious and secular communities. As a non-denominational Christian pastor, it is my aim to provide a thoughtful and compassionate perspective based on the teachings of the Bible, while also acknowledg…

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What does 'carnal' mean in the Bible?

The term "carnal" in the Bible carries profound implications, deeply rooted in the spiritual and moral teachings of Christianity. To understand its meaning, one must explore its biblical context, its theological significance, and its application to Christian living. The word "carnal" is derived fro…

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What does the Bible say about prostitution?

The Bible provides a comprehensive and multifaceted perspective on prostitution, addressing it through various narratives, laws, and moral teachings. As we delve into this topic, it is essential to recognize the broader biblical context concerning human sexuality, dignity, and the sanctity of the b…

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What does the Bible say about incest?

The Bible addresses the issue of incest with clarity and gravity, deeming it a serious moral transgression. Incest, defined as sexual relations between closely related individuals, is explicitly condemned in various passages throughout Scripture. Understanding the biblical perspective on incest req…

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Are soul ties mentioned in the Bible?

The concept of "soul ties" is one that has garnered significant attention in contemporary Christian discussions, particularly within the realms of relationships and sexual ethics. However, when we turn to the Bible to seek clarity on this subject, we find that the term "soul ties" itself does not a…

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Does the Bible mention purity rings?

The concept of purity rings, while not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, is deeply rooted in biblical principles of sexual ethics and purity. The idea behind purity rings is to symbolize a commitment to remain sexually pure until marriage, which aligns closely with biblical teachings on sexual mor…

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What is the meaning of intimacy in the Bible?

Intimacy is a profound and multifaceted concept within the Bible, weaving through its narrative from Genesis to Revelation. To fully grasp its meaning, we must explore the various dimensions of intimacy as presented in the Scriptures, including its spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects. Each d…

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What is a eunuch in the Bible?

A eunuch in the Bible is a term that carries both literal and metaphorical significance, often intertwining physical attributes with spiritual and social roles. Understanding the concept of a eunuch requires us to delve into the historical, cultural, and theological contexts of biblical times. The …

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What does the Bible say about sexual morality?

Sexual morality is a significant topic within Christian ethics, deeply rooted in the teachings of the Bible. As a non-denominational Christian pastor, I approach this subject with the understanding that Scripture provides not only historical context but also timeless principles that guide believers…

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Why were eunuchs castrated?

Eunuchs have a significant and complex history within the context of ancient societies, including those referenced in the Bible. The practice of castrating men to create eunuchs was prevalent in various cultures for a multitude of reasons, often intertwining with social, political, and religious di…

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